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Prossimi Webinar

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Implement a Custom User Interface on the Horner OCS – Part Two - Fonts There are plenty of built-in graphics tools in Cscape to help you develop an effective User Interface for your Machine. But what if you have something very specific in mind? Or if your customer hands you a completed storyboard from a Graphics or UX Designer and says - "Here - use this!". What then? Well - in this two-part series we'll show you how to implement a custom UI design with its own unique graphics and fonts. And if you want to design your own custom UI - we'll show you where you can get the inspiration. In Part 1 we covered graphics and navigation - and in Part 2 we'll provide you with the tools to incorporate the fonts.23/5/202410:30am CEST30 minuti
Initiate File Transfers from the OCS Touchscreen Transferring datalog files, recipe files or report files automatically and electronically is almost always preferable to the old-fashioned way. But - let's face it - there are situations when doing it the most efficient and modern way is not always possible. During this week's webinar- we're going to demonstrate how to manually transfer files from the OCS' microSD drive to a USB thumb drive from the OCS touchscreen. While this is not the most modern approach - it is a practical one that doesn't depend on network access that isn't always available. 13/6/202410:30am CEST30 minuti

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