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Kommende Webinare

XL Prime vs Canvas Deciding on a Horner OCS All-in-one Controller platform can seem like a daunting task. There are so many factors! Screen size, I/O complement, processing power, network connectivity. And even after deciding on a screen size for instance - many of the same screen sizes are available in multiple product lines.

In this two-part series - we will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed, data-based decision. And while your decision may still not be black and white - we can guarantee that you will have a clear understanding of what each model has to offer. And because it is a webinar- don't miss the opportunity to join us Live and get your questions answered. Join us!
24/10/202410:30am CEST30 Minuten
IEC 61131 Logic Programming in Cscape 10 The popularity of IEC 61131 continues to grow - and Horner’s Cscape All-in-one Software suite offers one of the best IEC editors out there. In this webinar, we’ll highlight its capabilities and its advantages. If you are an IEC user or are thinking about becoming one - you need to check it out!7/11/202410:30am CET30 Minuten

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