
Entrate ancora più a fondo nel mondo di Horner Automation, seguiteci mentre introduciamo nuovi prodotti, approfondiamo software e firmware, sveliamo i nostri aggiornamenti e molto altro.

In questo periodo vogliamo riuscire, per quanto possibile, a rimanere connessi ai nostri clienti. Per continuare ad essere con voi, organizzeremo dei Webinar per tenervi aggiornati.

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Prossimi Webinar

TitoloDataOra di inizioDurataRegistro
Canvas Alarm Handling in Cscape 10 We're turning our attention to three key graphics features which have been redesigned from the ground up for the Canvas Collection of OCS All-in-ones. We'll examine Alarm handling - focusing on capabilities including the all-new Alarm Banner. 12/9/202410:30am CEST30 minuti
Canvas Recipes in Cscape 10 This webinar will cover three key graphics features which have been redesigned from the ground up for the Canvas Seroies of OCS All-in-One Controllers. This week - Recipe Handling is in the spotlight - with its all-inclusive Recipe Object.19/9/202410:30am CEST30 minuti
Canvas WebMI+ in Cscape 10 In this webinar we will take a look at WebMI+ Remote Monitoring and Control with the all new Canvas OCS Controller.26/9/202410:30am CEST30 minuti

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