Casi di studio

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Controllo Del Riscaldamento Dell’Aria

Febbraio 20, 2020

The main objective of the application is to keep the air temperature in a building at a constant value, it is handled by using the air-water principle, controlled by the eXL6 and SmartStix I/O

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Stazione Di Energia Idrica Su Piccola Scala

Febbraio 20, 2020

BATEC AB has been supporting the needs of small-scale water power stations for over 10 years. When they needed reliable and flexible control devices to optimise production, they chose to use Horner OCS controllers.

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Controllo Dei Pannelli Solari

Febbraio 20, 2020

A solar panel control application using a Horner XLT . The Solar Panel System Provider is also able to monitor and control the installation in case of a breakdown and to quickly establish the cause of failure. The GSM/GPRS modems from Horner are being used for remote control of the installations.

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Applicazione Horner OCS nella produzione di idrogeno

Febbraio 20, 2020

Horner OCS controllers and I/O modules are used to coordinate the automation process of Hydrogen production. Our OCS controllers were chosen to control Hydrogen production plants.

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