The EVO Cleaner application by Envirologic, in Sweden


The EVO Cleaner application by Envirologic, took place in Uppsala, Sweden.

The main aim of this application was to develop the next generation of world leading high pressure washing robot for use in the agricultural industry, specifically in pig barns. The process of manually cleaning pig barns is very hazardous for one’s health and can put an enormous physical strain on the body. With a washing robot, a better working environment is created while also improving productivity and biosecurity.

Despite the harsh environment this product is delivered with a 10-year expected lifetime for the end user.

The main challenges of this application involved replacing an outdated PLC and HMI based system with had no graphics functionality and no internet connection capability.

The Horner product chosen to enhance this application was the XL7.  The overall competitive price of the XL7 and its integrated graphical interface made it the ideal upgrade for this application.

The XL7 combined with Horner’s free PLC programming software has the advantage of combining graphical ladder diagram programming (based on IEC-1131) with operator interface development to completely integrate the control package. It’s a straightforward approach to programming by combining logic with messaging and networking.

The other features of our XL7 which were valuable for this application included: Datalogging for remote troubleshooting, ethernet interface for external router integration, Modbus master for motor control board, translation support for localization and removable media functions for teach in system.

Our experienced technical support team were on hand throughout this applications implementation to help ensure a smooth changeover.

Pressure Washing With our EVO Cleaner Robot on a Pig Farm

EVO Cleaner Robot Showing Before and After Pressure Washing Results

For further information, please visit Envirologic’s website.