Hello and welcome to today’s webinar.
Today we will be looking at the Cscape 10 Project Navigator. Let’s look at our agenda for today.
First we will answer the question, what is CScape 10 Project Navigator.
We will then discuss all the different functions available in the Project Navigator. There will be demonstrations throughout and we will finish with the Q &A session.
The CScape 10 Project Navigator is a feature in CScape that allows users to quickly access different elements of their project.
It is an efficient way of organizing a whole series of shortcuts to access different elements of configuration within your project.
The Project Navigator has been expanded in many areas with new options, most of which can be accessed with a right-click.
Today we will review these features and look at the basic functionality of the Project Navigator.
First, we will look at how to access the Project Navigator.
By default, it should be open and located on the left-hand side of the screen.
However, with Cscape 10, you can change the layout of this as well as other screen elements such as the project toolbox or your program variable window to your liking.
Here we have the top level view of the project navigator with only the control section expanded.
We note that this section is expanded to show more options because of the minus icon to the left of the word control. This is what the project navigator looks like by default.
So in the top level view of our project navigator we have the name of the program, Then underneath this we have Hardware Configuration Access, followed by the full list of control functions, as well as the User Interface functions, and finally the Networking functions.
Let’s look at the Navigator Control functions in more detail.
These functions are used to manage your logic modules.
By default, you have one main loop module called Main when you start a new project, and then you can add additional main loop modules by simply right-clicking, which we will demonstrate later.
In addition to adding main loop modules, you can also add subroutine modules and UDFB modules.
And by using the Navigator tool, you can rearrange these to be in a different order for the execution sequence of the main loop modules.
You can also use these options for saving a main loop module, subroutine, or UDFB as a file, so you can bring it into a future project.
You can also easily access the set points and data logging through the shortcuts in the Control function section of the project navigator.
Now let’s look at our project navigator in Cscape 10.
As mentioned before, this is to the left of the logic window by default.
If you don’t have the project navigator on your screen, then you will need to check that the project navigator is highlighted in the home tab like it is here.
If you want to change the layout and move the project navigator, you can do so by clicking and dragging it around the screen, but for now we will leave this as it is.
On the top line, we have the name of our program. By default, this is named Untitled.
This is then followed by square brackets with the CAN ID that the program is configured for.
Then, because we are currently not physically connected to an OCS, this says by unknown mode, because the program can’t tell if we are in Run, Stop or Idle mode.
Below this, we have a quick way to access hardware configuration.
These configuration settings can also be accessed from the shortcut in the Quick Access toolbar or from the Ribbon toolbar under the Home tab.
Next, we will look at the Control settings.
If we right-click the Logic Modules option underneath this, we can import a logic module.
So if we have a specific main loop, ladder routine, subroutine, or user-defined function block from a previous project that we would like to import into this project, we can do that here.
Underneath this, if we right-click Main Loop Modules, we get two options, including the option to add a new logic block.
We would use this for example if we wanted to add a group or a block in in which we would place PID logic.
So when we select this, a new block is created underneath the main logic block, and we will name this PID.
We can add more logic blocks if we wish.
This time, we may have a block for motor control, so we will name this Motor.
We will add one more logic routine, which we want to initialize different parts of our logic, so we will call this Init.
If we right-click the main loop modules again, we have a second option that allows us to configure the execution sequence so we can rearrange the order in which these main loop logic blocks are executed.
So we will select this option, and if we want our init block to execute first, we will highlight it and then select move up in execution order until this block is in the position we want.
So our initialization block will execute first, followed by our main loop, then our PID loop, and finally our motor control block.
From this dialog box, we can also choose to suppress the execution of any of the blocks, in case the logic for a block is not working.
but we want to test the rest of our program for example, so any block you do this for won’t be executed when the program is saved and downloaded.
Once we want to make this block active again, we can select Allow Execution.
So these are the options you have when you right-click under Main Loop Modules.
If you right-click on a specific main loop module, you can access even more options.
The first of these options is OEM Protect.
This allows you to make a loop module only be available to you.
So the individual logic inside the routine will only be viewable with a password.
You can also rename, export, or delete the routine.
We then have similar options for subroutine modules and UDFB modules.
So if we right-click Subroutine Modules, we can create a new subroutine.
and if we right-click UDF-B Modules, we can create a new UDF-B.
And once you create a new subroutine or UDFB, you will be able to access similar options as for the main loop modules.
Finally, under UDFB Modules, we have some convenience shortcuts for accessing set points and data logging.
So this is the top-level default view of our project navigator and control section.
Next, we will look at the user interface functions that are available in the Project Navigator.
One of the main features from this section is that you can create screens as well as screen groups.
Screen groups are an organizational feature that allow you to sort your screens into different categories.
There is a main screen group by default, however you can create your own groups and classify your screens in any way you want.
As well as this, if you’ve created a screen that you want to reuse in a different project, then from this section you can save that screen as a file and you can then load it into any project from the project navigator.
From this section you can also access the global background and grid setting options.
So for example if you wanted to add a red background to all of your screens you can set a global background so that every time you create a new screen it would start out with the red background.
You can also set the default grid settings for every new screen you to match the default that you want.
Finally, you have one-click access to alarms, audio, if you’re using a unit that supports audio, recipe database, and the report editor.
Under user interface functions, we also have several web and mic configuration and language configuration options where we can conveniently access and manage our users and security and our language options.
Now we will look at the user interface section of the project navigator in Cscape 10.
We will expand the User Interface section and right-click User Interface.
When we do this, we are given some extra options.
The first of which is the Add Screen Group option.
Once again, screen groups are an organizational feature which allow you to place individual screens within groups.
By default, we already have a screen group called Main Screens.
We will add another screen group, which by default is named Group 1.
We will rename this PID because we want to create some PID screens for tuning, and we will then organize these screens so that they’re within this screen group.
Next, we will create a new screen under our PID screen group.
To do this, we will right-click on our PID screen group and select Create New Screen, and we will rename this to Tuning.
So now we have our tuning screen, and for Cscape 10, the editing area is here as a tab with the screen number in brackets.
From the User Interface section, we can also make changes that apply to all of our screens, such as making the background for all of the screens the same color by default.
So if we right-click on our screen editing area, we can set the background here or change the grid settings.
However, these changes will only apply to this particular screen.
If we right-click User Interface from the Project Navigator and then go under Tools and then the Global Background and Grid Settings, we can make these changes globally.
So now every time we create a new screen, by default they will use whatever settings we use here.
For example, we will select Set Global Background and we will change the default background color to white.
We will also go back to our User Interface settings, go under Tools, and then review our Global Grid settings.
We will keep most of these settings as is, but we will choose to turn off the Show Grid and Snap to Grid options for all of our screen’s primary grids.
So this is what our tuning screen looks like with our new settings applied.
Next, we will right click on main screen and select new screen and see how our settings look like on this new screen.
We will rename this screen to menu.
Our menu screen was created with screen number two and by default, our global grid and background settings are applied to this screen.
Next, we will return to our user interface by right-clicking and look at our configuration settings.
The options available here will depend on the type of controller you are using.
From here, we can access options for video, if you are using the Excel series, for example, as well as file counters, file select, screen capture, and display settings.
If you’re using an OCS model that doesn’t have physical function keys, then you will also be able to adjust where you want your slide-in function keys to slide in from.
This option is currently not available to us as we’re using a Canvas 4, which is built-in physical function keys.
We will also look at our font settings.
Similar to the configuration settings, the options available here will depend on which controller series you’re using.
For our Canvas controller, the only option we can access here is to import fonts.
This is because the Canvas series uses a different font system than the rest of the OCS series.
With the other OCS series, we can access the Font Manager, Font Creation Wizard, Font Editor, and Font Migration tools.
If we go back to our tool settings, we can see we also have an option to animate all of our objects.
This allows us to see our objects on any of the screens we’ve created in different states, so we can see how push buttons and selector switches appear when selected, and how pilot lights will appear when on, for instance.
We also have other options here, such as settings for the bitmap editor and edit options.
If we select edit options, we get more display and graphic options.
For example, if we have a controller that displays data on the screen, whose origin is a Modbus data field and not a variable, and we lose communications over Modbus, then we can choose to have asterisks displayed instead of what the last successful value was.
We also have an option to set the default font style and size.
We will change this to Canvas 20 so that once we add objects to our screen, they will now appear in a bigger font size.
Finally, if we return to our User Interface settings again, we have an option to Fill All Screens.
This means that all objects will be automatically scaled to fit the screen.
This can be a useful option with non-canvas units, as there is already a lot of automatic scaling and stretching of objects with canvas when you import a project that was created for a different controller in a previous version of Cscape.
Underneath User Interface, we can access the screen thumbnail area.
From this area, we have another way of creating new screens.
We can do this by simply double-clicking on one of the empty screen areas, and then we can rename the screen as we choose.
When we right-click on a particular screen, we have options such as setting the screen as the initial screen.
So this will be the screen that first appears when you start up your program on your controller.
You can also move a screen to a different screen group, and save the screen as a separate file which you can then import into a new project.
Then if you right-click on a screen group, you can select Load Screen to import these save screens into that screen group.
Most of the other options here are convenience shortcuts, such as alarm configuration, audio configuration for a Canvas 7D or 10D, the recipe database, and reports.
We will note that all of these features can also be accessed from the ribbon toolbar at the top of the screen.
Next, if we expand the web settings, we have several different options for configuring our WebMI type parameters.
These are also convenience shortcuts that can be accessed from the toolbar.
Underneath Web, we have the settings for users and security.
This is a convenient way to access the dialogs where you add users with their access credentials, such as passwords and usernames.
Finally, underneath this we have language, which will be used for applications that use multiple languages, or of operators that are using multiple languages, so that you can create the project or edit the project in the native language.
So these screens were created in English, and once we are finished with these screens from an English standpoint, we can select export strings.
This would then send the string data to the clipboard, and then we could copy the clipboard into a spreadsheet and add in the additional columns.
So we could add the additional language strings that are displayed for all the English strings that we use in our program and import them back in after copying them from the spreadsheet.
So these are user interface options for our project navigator.
The last category of functions in our project navigator are the networking functions, most of which are convenient shortcuts, which can also be accessed from the ribbon toolbar.
These include access to your CAN ports, protocols, email configuration and MQTT.
Now we will look at the Networking section of the Project Navigator in Cscape 10.
These are all convenient shortcuts that you can access.
So regardless of which controller you have, you will have at least one CAN port.
So you can double-click on CAN Configuration to access this dialog box.
If you have a Canvas 7D or 10D or one of the two port XL Series or XL Prime Series modules, you can access CAN2.
Protocols is one of the many ways you can access the serial protocols and Ethernet protocols.
From here, you can also access the GSM, GPRS, SMS and email configuration options by double-clicking.
The last option in the list is MQTT, so we can double-click here and easily access the MQTT configuration dialog box.
We will note here that for Canvas, an additional license for MQTT is not required as it is included with Canvas units, whereas it is an extra and one-time upgrade for licensing other OCS models.
That concludes our webinar for today. Thank you so much for listening and the Q &A session will begin shortly.
Okay, next week we have alarm handling with the Canvas units and that’s when we follow up the recipes and the use of WebMI plus with the Canvas units.
I don’t see anything on this week so I think we’ll leave it there.
17:03Thank you all very much and I hope to see you again soon.