Good morning everyone thanks for joining us for this webinar on Canvas Trends and Graphs in Cscape 10.
We spoke 15 minutes presentation if you have any questions we can get to those at the end.
Hello and welcome to today’s webinar.
Today we will be looking at trends and graphs for Canvas in Cscape 10. Let’s look at our agenda for today.
We will start by discussing what trends and graphs in Cscape are.
We will then look at the different trend and graph types as well as new features available in canvas.
Finally, we will go through the configuration of these trends and graphs in Cscape 10.
There will be demonstrations throughout and we will finish with the Q &A session. First, we will look at trends.
In Cscape, the trend is a graphic object that is used to plot variable values at a continuous sample rate.
So for each pen that you plot on a trend, there is a variable behind it, and the trend object is sampling that variable and the trend object is sampling that variable at a rate that you configure in Cscape.
There are many different trend types in Cscape and they vary based on the sample rate, whether or not that they can function and gather data in the background and whether or not they have a historical element to them. There are four different trends available for Canvas in Cscape 10.
First we have standard trends. Standard trends can work in both the background or the foreground.
This means that this trend object doesn’t have to be displayed on the screen for it to be sampling data in the background.
Then if you decide to display the object on your screen, your trend doesn’t reset and you can see the previous data as long as that device or trend has been triggered.
Standard trends have a fast sample rate and can sample data as fast as once per second, which is 3600 samples per hour.
Retentive trends are very similar to standard trends.
The main difference is that retentive trend objects also support history, so you can choose to turn that trend into a historical trend, where not only does it display data on the screen, but it also logs that data to a memory file or a CSV file on a memory card that’s plugged into your OCS.
We also have two other trend types called scopes. We have a snapshot scope and a continuous scope.
These trend objects have a faster sample rate, but they also have some limitations.
With the snapshot scope, you can sample data as fast as every 10 milliseconds.
However, this object can only operate in the foreground, so it will only gather data if it is on the screen and is triggered.
As well as this, once the screen or plot is full, it will stop completely.
The continuous scope object has a slightly slower sample rate of every 50 milliseconds, and also has to be displayed on the screen and triggered to work.
However, once the screen or plush is full for this object, it will continue to scroll and gather data.
Next, we will look at the Configuration dialog box for Trends.
We will start with the Axis Configuration.
For Trends, the x-axis always represents time.
You have flexibility to set the units for time, for example in hours, minutes or seconds, as well as how you want it displayed.
In addition to the x-axis, you have at least one y-axis available to you by default.
With Cscape 9 and earlier versions, as well as other OCS models, you could only have one y-axis to plot against.
With Cscape 10 and Canvas, you have the one y-axis by default, but you can also add other y-axes.
For example, if you want to plot temperature and pressure on the same plot, but need different scales for this.
So, Canvas and Cscape 10 offer a lot of flexibility for setting up your axes.
In order for a trend to start gathering data, it needs to be triggered.
With trends, you have to assign a trigger variable, which is a boolean, and as long as that boolean variable is enabled, then that trend object is operating.
You can now have up to 16 pens on a single trend, compared to the 4 pens per trend that were allowed with previous versions of Cscape and OCS product lines.
With Cscape 9 and earlier, as well as other OCS product families, you were restricted to trending integer values only.
Now with Cscape 10 and Canvas, you can also trend other data types such as double integers and floating point values.
As well as this, when you add these variables, you can customize their scaling, their minimum and maximum, the legends and the line style.
You can also configure the appearance of different elements of your trends.
For example, you have many options available to customize the gridlines, the colors of the pens, the legend and the title of the trend.
Now we will look at a historical trend we have created in Cscape 10.
We have created a screen design for our canvas 7D, with a trend graph for oven temperatures taking up the majority of the screen.
On top of our trend object, we have used a text object for the title of our graph, as well as a jump object for changing screens.
We will double-click on our trend object and look at our configuration.
We have set our trend type to Retentive Trend and have also enabled Historic Support for our trend, meaning we have assigned a folder name where the trend files can be stored.
These will then be stored as CSV files in a folder called ZoneTemp.
The OCS will also add extra characters onto the end of the folder name to represent the year, so the folder ZoneTemp24, for example, will store all the files created and logged in 2024.
We have also enabled Replay, so that operators with the appropriate authorization can look at trend data from the past.
Any operators that don’t have the authorization through the Access feature won’t be able to take advantage of this feature.
We have assigned a variable called ovenOn, so while this boolean variable is on, we will be trending data.
We have set a sample rate of once per second, which is 3600 samples per hour.
Once again, with trends the x-axis always represents time, and for our trend we have chosen an hours and minutes format.
This will show the time the data was logged.
On the y-axis, for y1 we have set a scale from 0 to 270, and we have assigned a legend of degrees Celsius, which we can see in the preview window here.
We also have 8 different pens with this trend graph which represent 8 different temperatures from 8 different zones in an oven, where we would be moving a product through the oven to create a temperature profile.
Each variable here is listed as a pen, with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 270 degrees Celsius.
We have also given a legend abbreviation for each pen that will appear at the top of the graph, so we can see what colour represents each variable.
We have set different solid colors for each zone, with the exception of the very last zone, which we assigned a dotted pink color.
We will also note that each of these variables is a floating point value, so unlike previous versions of Cscape and other OCS products, we can trend floating point data, as well as other data types instead of just integers.
So this is our configuration for this particular retentive trend with historic capability.
Now we will look at our bench setup for this demonstration.
We have our trend graph screen set up on our Canvas 7D.
As we can see, we have our pens represented by 8 lines of different colors, in addition to grid lines on the trend.
These values are currently very stable, with just a minor ripple in each of these pens.
Let’s look at some of the runtime features for our program.
If we want to focus on a particular pen, we can turn off the other pens visually at runtime.
For example, if we want to focus in on the green line, which is Z3, we can visually turn off the other pens by clicking the legend area and isolating our green trend line.
We can also zoom in and out of our trend using the zoom icons to the right of our trend.
As we do this, we can see our scale adjusting to the zoom on the left.
If we want to return to how our scale was before, we can use this 1 to 1 button.
To see our other pens on our trend again, we can re-select them from our legend area.
If we want to go back and look at historical data, we can pause the trend, select the open button and from there we can select the starting and ending point for the data that we are interested in.
Then our program will show any historical data from that time frame, and when we want to return to our live trend, we can select un-pause.
Now we will look at some of the files that are being saved to the OCS memory card.
Since we haven’t put a removable media object onto our screen, we will go to the OCS system menu, and then we will select Media.
We have a zone temp 24 folder saved to our SD card, and inside of this, once per hour, we have a new CSV file that represents today’s date along with the hour.
So once again, as there are 3600 new entries every hour, we are automatically creating a new file every hour.
If we had a much slower sample rate, then we might create one file per day instead.
Next, we will look at XY graphs.
In Cscape, XY graphs are used to graph data on the screen.
Whereas trends look at individual variables that are sampled at a preset rate, Graphs are used to display data after it has been gathered and stored in either registers or array variables.
XY graphs only work in the foreground, so if you want to make a graph of some data that your OCS has gathered, then it needs to be displayed on the screen and triggered.
There are three different types of graphs available.
We have the XY graph, which has been available for previous versions of Cscape and OCS product lines, as well as two new graph types, scatter graphs and multipoint graphs.
XY graphs connect a set of data points as a line on the y-axis that are evenly spaced along the x-axis. Scatter graphs are similar to XY graphs, except the data points are not connected.
Multipoint graphs can be considered to be true XY graphs where you not only have a set of coordinates for your y-axis, but you also have a set of coordinates for your x-axis, so you’re not guaranteed that the data points will be evenly spaced along the x-axis, because every individual point is plotted using the x and y coordinates as a pair.
Now we will look at the configuration dialog box for graphs and the featured capabilities.
Similar to trends, graphs have a trigger boolean variable that needs to be on for the graph object to find the set of data that’s been configured and graph it.
As well as the trigger variable, you also need to set the number of samples you want to graph in your configuration, which will be the number of points in your graph.
If you are configuring a multi-point graph, you will need to configure both the x-axis and y-axis coordinates.
So you will need to configure the variable that’s been assigned to the x-axis, and then all the data points for x and y will be graphed against that x-axis variable.
If you are using variable-based advanced ladder in your application, then this will be an arrayed variable with enough elements to handle all the number points that you want to graph.
For register-based advanced ladder, you will specify a starting register, and then the number of points will indicate the registers that you are going to use.
For example, if R1 is your starting register and you have 50 points that you want to graph, then this range will be from R1 to R50.
Once you have configured your x-axis, you need to configure your individual pens.
For a multi-point graph, you can have multiple pens that all represent y-axis coordinates that are all graphed against the x-axis.
In our example shown, we are graphing two different pens.
Each of these are arrayed variables because we are using variable-based advance ladder, and we are listing the start of the array where we want to pull the coordinates for those particular points, and the same zone 2 temp elements would represent the x coordinates for that pen on the graph.
Then both of these will be plotted against the x-axis, which is the variable distance x 0 through 49.
Similar to the trend object, you have options to customize the appearance of your graph object in your configuration.
You have many options available to customize the grid, title, legends, pens, and data ranges.
Now we will return to Cscape 10, and we will switch from our Trends screen to our Graph screen, which is a multipoint graph for temperatures and distance.
Once again, this takes up the full screen, and we have placed some objects on top of it, such as a jump button to change screens, and a text field that acts as a title for the graph.
We also have some push buttons.
When we select the push button in the bottom left, it will cause the logic to capture that data that we want to graph, load it into our arrayed variables that we are going to plot, and then turn on the trigger bit, which will cause our data to be plotted.
We have another similar push button on the bottom right, which will clear all of our arrayed variable elements.
And once again, turn on the trigger register to clear out the graph that was previously plotted.
Now we will double-click on our graph object and look at our graph configuration.
We have set the graph type to a multi-point graph, so we need to configure an x-axis variable array, which we’ve done here.
For our graph, we have 61 different elements or points that we will be plotting, so our x-axis values are distance 0 to distance 60.
Then we have 3 y-axis values that represent different temperature sensors on the product that’s moving through our multi-zone oven, so we can look at the profile of the temperatures for each of the three sensors.
Once again, we have set our scaling from 0 to 270 degrees Celsius.
We have given abbreviations for each sensor in our legend, which is all shown in the preview window.
For our graph, the x-axis does not represent time.
In this case, our x-axis represents the distance that the product is moving through the oven.
So this is an oven that has a 3-mesher area that the product is moving through, and we can see the temperatures at different points.
And once again, we have decided to use Flowshing Point values here.
So this is our configuration for our graph.
Now let’s look at our bench setup for this demonstration.
Here we have our multi-point graph set up on our Canvas 7D, and we haven’t plotted any dashes yet.
When we select our plot data push button, it starts loading up our values, and then is turning on the trigger bit.
So now we have the temperature profile of each of the three temperature sensors as the product moves its way through our multi-zone oven.
So the product heats up from 40 degrees Celsius to about 240 degrees Celsius, and then starts cooling back down before it leaves the oven again.
We can also tell from the graph that the blue sensor is placed first in the oven, followed by the red sensor and then the green, as all three lines are similar in shape, but delay in the time they increase in temperature.
Then if we want to clear our graph, we can use our clear plot push button in our program.
That concludes our webinar for today.
Thank you so much for listening and the Q &A session will begin shortly.
Okay that was the last of our current Cscape 10 videos for the moment.
I’m not seeing any questions currently.
So if you can see my screen now next week we do have how to test BACnet before doing installations and then we’re following that up with some tank volume calculation function blocks.
16:22The registration links for those are up as usual and if you to come back and watch this or any other previous video at any point they’re all they’re all here too.